New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights Statement on Governor Sununu Signing Senate Bill 489

For Immediate Release:

July 3, 2024

Contact: McKenzie Taylor

603 491 6975

New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights Statement on Governor Sununu Signing Senate Bill 489

CONCORD, NH — Today, Governor Sununu signed Senate Bill 489 into law, creating a post-election audit system to ensure results on election night were accurately counted and recorded, incorporating best practices to review both scanned and paper ballots.

 McKenzie St. Germain, Campaign Director for the New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights, released the following statement: 

“Post election audits are a commonsense policy that help increase voter confidence, modernize our election infrastructure, and ensure our elections are free from errors. This policy was a recommendation from the 2022 Special Committee on Voter Confidence, and has broad support from Granite Staters. We’re glad to see the Governor sign this bipartisan policy into law and for it to be in effect this year.”


The New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights is a coalition of state and national advocacy organizations, voters, attorneys and watchdog organizations working to ensure and preserve the right to vote for every eligible Granite Stater, and is a project of America Votes New Hampshire.


NHCVR Statement on Governor Sununu Signing House Bill 1569


New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights Statement on Senate Election Law Committee Vote on House Bill 1569